
Yoneyuki Sugita, “Yoshida Doctrine Forever: Japan’s Consistent Postwar Security Policies and Silent Rearmament,” Academic Symposium 70th Anniversary of the San Francisco Treaty and the Retreat of SCAP From Japan, 6 March 2022 Israeli Association for Japanese Studies (Web)

Yoneyuki Sugita, “The Yoshida Doctrine and Silent Rearmament,” Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies,  9 October 2021 (Zoom)  https://wcaas.byu.edu/program

Yoneyuki Sugita, “An Interpretation of the Yoshida Doctrine,” The San Francisco Treaty at 70: Prospects and Challenges Workshop, 30 May 2021 (Zoom) 

Yoneyuki Sugita, “The Japan Paradox: Artificial Intelligence in Japan,” Asia-Pacific Studies Meeting, Osaka University, 9 June 2019

Yoneyuki Sugita, "US pivot to Asia and Japan’s Development Cooperation Charter," European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS) & GRIPS Development Forum Joint Seminar -Can Japanese Development Cooperation Tell us Something about Regional and Global Change?- National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, 16 March 2017.

Yoneyuki Sugita, “Three-Way Struggle for Initiative in the Korean Peninsula,” Non-American Directions in Japan’s Security, Osaka University International Symposium, 16 January 2017, Osaka University.

Yoneyuki Sugita, “Significance of the Senkaku Issues for Japan’s Security Policies,” Featured Panel, The Asia-Pacific Conference on Security and International Relations (APSEC) 2016, 8 December 2016, Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University.

Yoneyuki Sugita, “Significance of the Senkaku Issues for Japan’s Security Policies,” Workshop on Japan’s Territorial Disputes, 28 June 2016, Osaka University, Osaka Japan.

Yoneyuki Sugita, “U.S.-Japan Alliance Management and the Second North Korea Nuclear Crisis,” Osaka University International Workshop: Non-American Directions in Japan’s Security, 19-20 February 2016, Osaka University, Osaka Japan.

Yoneyuki Sugita, “US Pivot to Asia and Japan’s Development Cooperation Charter,” Development Cooperation in a Post-MDG Era Can Japan Effectively Continue to Contribute Towards Global Development?, 1-2 November  2015, Osaka University, Osaka Japan.

Yoneyuki Sugita, “President Obama’s Pivot to Asia-Pacific and Japan’s Hedging Policies” The 9th Annual Congress of Asian Political and International Studies Association, 11-12 September 2015, Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Yoneyuki Sugita, “Origin of Yoshida Doctrine: Role of the United States,” The 9th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), 5-9 July 2015, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia

杉田米行「アメリカの医療制度の現状と改革の方向性」大阪大学大学院医学系研究科医療経済・経営学寄附講座 公開研究会「医療と経済」 大阪大学中之島センター, 2015411-12

Yoneyuki Sugita, “US-Japan Security Relations between 1945 and the 1990s,” Osaka University International Symposium, Osaka University, 20 March 2015.

Yoneyuki Sugita, “Struggle for Agenda Setting: U.S.-Japan Alliance Management and the Second North Korea Nuclear Crisis,” Osaka University International Symposium, Osaka University, 13 February 2015.

「日米アジェンダ設定の闘い:日米同盟の運営における北朝鮮核危機の意義」関西アメリカ史研究会第248回例会(2015年新年会) (2015125日、キャンパスプラザ京都)

Yoneyuki Sugita, “Meaning of the Demise of the Cold War on U.S.-Japan Relations,” Osaka University International Symposium, Osaka University, 10 January 2015.

Yoneyuki Sugita, “Re-interpretation of the Yoshida Doctrine,” Osaka University International Symposium, Osaka University, 20 December 2014.

Yoneyuki Sugita, “Has Japan Changed? US-Japan Security Relations after World War II,” Osaka University International Symposium, Osaka University, 31 October 2014.

Yoneyuki Sugita, “|Struggle for Agenda Setting: U.S.-Japan Alliance Management over North Korea, 2001-2003,” Osaka University International Symposium, Osaka University, 25 July 2014.

司会 部会II 「複合的グローバル・ガバナンス」グローバル・ガバナンス学会第四回研究大会(2014412日 同志社大学烏丸キャンパス) 


“9.11 and Japan’s Consistent Security Policies,” Asian Studies Program, School of International and Public Affairs, Florida International University, 27 March 2014.


 “Should Japan Revise Article Nine?” 20th Annual Japan Studies Association Conference, 2-4 January 2014, Tokai International College, Honolulu, Hawai’i


keynote Presentation"Rise of Hybrid Norms in East Asia – Japan’s Security Policy in the 1950s," Asia - from a Norm-Taker to a Norm-Maker?  Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Symposium, the University of Turku, Finland, Keynote Presentation, 15 August 2013


“Has Japan Become a ‘Normal’ Country? : US-Japan Security Relations in the Wake of 9.11” SIED Spring Symposium 2013 "America in Global Asia" Sophia University, Tokyo, 9 March 2013.


“US-Japan Relations in the wake of 9.11” 31 January 2013, History Department, University of Kentucky.


パネリスト、設立記念シンポジウム【中国の台頭と東アジアの安全保障】基調講演“A Realist Perspective on the Implications of Identity for US Policy toward Rising Powers” Charles GlaserDirector of the Elliott School's Institute for Security and Conflict Studies at George Washington University, 2013年度 第1回「アジアの共生」ジョイント・コンファレンス、12 January 2013 (東京外国語大学)


“Formation Process of Japan's Restrained Rearmament Norm―Competition between Japan's Restrained Rearmament and U.S. Regional Strategy in East Asia,” 26-28 September 2012, Swedish Political Science Association's (SWEPSA) annual conference in Växjö, Sweden.


“Japan’s Security Policy after 9/11: Still an Anomaly or Gradually Normalizing?” The 35th Stockholm Seminar on Japan 25 September 2012, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, Sweden.


"U.S. Policies toward East Asia in the Wake of the 9.11 Terrorist Attacks," 21 September 2012, Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies in Lund University, Sweden.


“U.S. Relations with Japan and China in the Wake of the 9.11 Terrorist Attacks,” 11 September 2012, University of Western Sydney, Australia.


“Is Japan an Anomaly? Japan's Consistent Security Policies in the Postwar Era,” Workshop on East Asia: Politics, Economy and Society, the University of Chicago, U.S.A. 3 April 2012.


“Reinterpretation of the Significance of Japanese Health Insurance programs from 1922 to 1950,”Columbia University, U.S.A., 29 March 2012.


“Is Japan an Anomaly? Japan's Consistent Security Policies in the Postwar Era,” Keynote Speech, Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society (NAJS) 2012 Conference, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 22 March 2012.


"Asian Nexuses: U.S. Relations with China and Japan in the Wake of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks," Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Heidelberg Germany. 10 January 2012


“Reinterpretation of the Significance of Japanese Health Insurance Programs from 1922 to 1950,” Asia and Europe in a Global Context, Transcultural Asian History, Universitat Heidelberg, 13 December 2011, Karl Jaspers Centre, Heidelberg.


日本平和学会2011年度秋季研究大会分科会「公共性と平和」 討論者


20111029日(土) 広島修道大学


106回関西日米交流フォーラム例会 司会


2011930日(金)関西大学第一学舎 法文研究棟2号棟6階会議室


"U.S. Military Commitment to Japan and Origins of Japan’s Constrained Rearmament: Significance of the Dodge Line" 

International Symposium on the Association for the Study of Political Society (ASPOS) Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, 18-19 September, 2011


九州政治社会学会第二回研究会  2011211日 於  九州大学法学部 大会議室






司会:Nagoya American Studies Summer Seminars 2010 “Toward a Common Memory of Our Past,” 歴史・社会部門、南山大学(2010724-25日)


日本平和学会2009年度秋季研究集会(分科会)「公共性と平和」 テーマ:9.11後の安全保障規範の展開 20091129日 於 立命館大学



日本国際政治学会2009年度研究大会 平成2111月6日(金)13001530

討論者:テーマ「イスラーム世界と国際政治」 於 神戸国際会議場


"The Japanese Healthcare System in Early Post-World War II Era from International Relations Perspectives,"

Japan and Finland in Transition, 1945–1990 Multidisciplinary conference at the University of Oulu, August 27 & 28, 2009


“Asian Nexuses: US Relations with Japan and the Korean Peninsula after the 9.11 Terrorist Attacks,”

Workshop: The Japanese–South Korean Relationship, August 21-22, 2009, Stockholm, Sweden


討論者 分科会I 政治・国際関係部門 プレゼンター:山岸敬和先生(南山大学)NASSS (名古屋アメリカ研究夏期セミナー) 20092009726日)


討論者 部会D「変化の深層を読む――ディストピア、ユートピア、アメリカ」アメリカ学会第43回年次大会(津田塾大学)200967


Organizer and presenter, "State Subsidy or Individual Responsibility: False Perceptions of Social Insurance Generated by the Recommendation for a Social Security System of 1950," The Asian Association for World Historians, Session 3, “Modernities and Modernism in Asia: Japan's Cases” (29-31 May 2009, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center)


"Asian Nexuses: U.S. Relations with China and Japan in the wake of the 9.11 Terrorist Attacks," (read by Professor Victor Teo), Sino-Japanese Relations Research Symposium 2009: The US between China and Japan,

(24-25 May 2009, Department of Japanese Studies, School of Modern Language and Cultures, Faculty of Arts, The University of Hong Kong)



科学研究費補助金基盤研究国際規範の競合と複合化についての比較研究 (平成20年度〜平成24年度) 200937日 神戸大学大学院国際協力研究科



国際情勢研究会 2008年11月25日 国際情勢研究会審議員室



2007  6   10  (日)




東京都中央区銀座4--1 聖書館ビル3階 財団法人 生存科学研究所会議室


「ブッシュ政権のメディケア改革:プリファンディング方式の可能性」2004年度関西アメリカ史研究会発表、20041114日 京都キャンパスプラザ


“Impact of Postwar Domestic 'Democracy' on Japanese Security Policy for Northeast Asia,” Contention and Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Analysis of Domestic-Regional Linkages November 12-13, 2004, Hiroshima Peace Institute

「平和こそあらゆる学問の目的 2003622日 世界市民セミナー(聖教新聞関西本社)


"Information Technology and Modern Scientific Thought in American Healthcare" ワークショップA "Technology and Society" アメリカ学会第36回年次大会, 200262日(明治大学)

”Tora! Tora! Tora!,” Old Dominion University Film Festival, 8 April 2002

”Is the ‘Cyberspace Revolution’ Really a Revolution?  A Case Study in Healthcare and Modern Scientific Thought,” Virginia Humanities Conference, 6 April 2002

”The Limits of American Hegemony in Occupied Japan, 1945-1952,” Humanities Lecture Series, Institute of Humanities, Old Dominion University, 4 April 2002.

”Impact of Postwar Japan-U.S. Alliance on Japanese Healthcare System,” International Convention of Asia Scholars, Berlin, 10 August 2001

”The Japanese Healthcare System in Early Post-World War II Era: Continuity and Discontinuity,” 4th Conference of the Asia Pacific Sociological Association, 14-16 September 2000, Kwansai Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan

“Impacts of China and Japan on International Affairs in the Asia-Pacific Region from the Late 19th Century to the Early 1950s,”Workshop: Sino-Japanese Relations: Beyond Bilateral Statist Approaches, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, 4-5 September 2000, Organized by the University of Warwick and Royal Institute of International Affairs



"The First Step Toward U.S. Hegemony in the Asia/Pacific Region" (read by someone else) History Conference: Trans-Pacific Modernity: An American Asia in the Pacific Century, January 14-15, 2000, Sponsored by Hawaii Pacific University.
Comment: by Dr. John Fleckles, Vice President and Academic Dean and Associate Professor of History, Hawaii Pacific University

報告書: 細谷雄一 (院生研究会責任者、慶應義塾大学大学院)

"Impact of US Occupation on Japanese Healthcare System," American Historical Association Pacific Coast Brach 92nd Annual Meeting, Maui HI, 8 August 1999.

"Child Labor Reformers and the Role of the President in Social Reform: A Comment" 

「情報革命がアメリカの医療制度に与える影響に関する一考察」部会C 「アメリカ社会と新しいメディア」、第33回アメリカ学会年次大会、大正大学、1999年6月6日
"The Limits of American Hegemony: Japan-US relations, 1945-1952," 
Comment: by Professor Glenn Hook
Comment: by Dr. Aaron Forsberg
Comment: by Professor Michael Barnhart

Chair and presenter. "The Dulles-Yoshida Negotiations and U.S. Ambivalence with Japan," British Association for American Studies Conference, Andrew Hook Centre for American Studies University of Glasgow, 26-29 March 1999.

「アメリカの東アジア政策――アジア太平洋戦争を中心にして――」日比交流史研究フォーラム1998年7月4日 大阪市立大学文化交流センター 


「情報化・国際化の中の日本史研究:インターネットの可能性」日本史研究会 1998年2月21日 機関紙会館(京都)

「占領期の日米関係:経済と安全保障問題を中心として」関西アメリカ史研究会第205回例会1998年1月25日 立命館大学白雲荘

"Global Network for Research and Education: Drift or Mastery?" H-NET Conference, Michigan State University, 27 September 1997

"Instant Global Communication: Internet Opportunities for Teachers and Researchers," 

"Internet, H-NET, and American Studies," with Richard Jensen, 

"US Occupation Policies of Japan: A Reappraisal," The Sixth Annual Seminar of the Association of Russian and American Historians, St. Petersburg University, Russia, 2-11 June 1997.

"Internationalization of Japanese Scholarship: Current Conditions and Its Future," American Historical Association Annual Meeting, New York, U.S.A.,2-5 January 1997.

"The Dodge Line, Cold War Mentality, and Hegemony," ISA-JAIR Joint Convention, Makuhari, Japan, 20-22 September 1996.

Discussant on "Social/Cultural Changes and Foreign Relations," International Conference: Cultural Factors in U.S.-East Asian Relations, Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 29-31 July1996.

"Transfer of Policy Initiative and Its Implications: U.S. Occupation Policies Towards Japan, 1946-1948," Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations 1996 Annual Meeting, University of Colorado at Boulder, 21-24 June 1996.

"Still the Century of Balance of Power? Asia-Pacific Security in the Post-ColdWar Era," United States Military Academy, 11 April 1996.

"Asia-Pacific Security during the Post-Cold War: Rethinking the Global Order," Fernand Braudel Center of Binghamton University, 9 April 1996.

"East Asian Security in the Post-Cold War Era," Department of Sociology of Binghamton University, 8 April 1996.

"Japan and East Asia after the Cold War," Asian Studies Forum of University of California-Berkeley, 5 April 1996.

"Post-Cold War US-Japan Security Relations in the Asia-Pacific," Asia Foundation, 5 April 1996.

"Japan and Post-Cold War Security," Asia-Pacific Research Center of Stanford University, 4 April 1996.

"Democratic Capitalism: US Early Occupation Policies toward Japan," Cold War Forum at University of California-Santa Barbara, 3 April 1996.

"Post-Cold War Security Issues as They Impact US-Japan Relations, the World Economy, and Hegemonic Stability," RAND, 2 April 1996.

"Japan-US Security Alliance in the Post-Cold War: A Critique on the Nye-Johnson-Mochizuki-HosokawaDebate," Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation of University of California-San Diego, 1 April 1996.

"Democratic Capitalism: US Early Occupation Policies toward Japan," East Asian History Forum of the Ohio State University, 27 March 1996.

"Still the Century of Balance of Power?: Asia-Pacific Security in thePost-Cold War Era," Mershon Center of the Ohio State University, 27 March1996.


「民主的資本主義と米国の初期対日占領政策:1945-1947」日本アメリカ学会第 29回年次大会仙台国際センター(1995年6月3日)

「『管理された革命』構想 --米国の対中国政策 1941-1945年」関西アメリカ史研究会例会(1990年5月27日)
