Yoneyuki Sugitafs Curriculum Vitae


(March 2022)

(A list of Publications and presentations in Japanese is available upon request)
Professor  (Japan-U.S. relations, Japanese Health Insurance)
Kobe Womenfs Junior College, Kobe Japan
yone@sugita.us,   japan1166@gmail.com

81-72-703-1652 (home: phone/fax)

April 2021-    Professor, Kobe Womenfs Junior College
April 2013      Professor , Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University
October 2007 Associate professor, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University
January 1997 Associate professor, Osaka U. of Foreign Studies (OUFS)
January 1994 Assistant professor of American history, OUFS
April 1989 Junior Lecturer of American history, OUFS
5/1999 Ph.D. (History), University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A.
3/1989 M. Law (US Diplomatic History),  Hitotsubashi U., Tokyo Japan
‚V B.A. (US History), Osaka U. of Foreign Studies, Osaka, Japan

Books in English
(Translation: Japanese into English) Yutaka Kanda, Japanfs Cold War Policy and China: Two Perceptions of Order, 1960-1972 (Routledge, December 2019) 306P

Yoneyuki Sugita, Chapter 2 "Egalitarianism in Japanese Medical Insurance Programs in War and Peace, 1937-1946," in Michael W. Myers and Puck Brecher eds., Defamiliarizing Japanfs Asia-Pacific War (University of Hawaii Press, October 2019), pp. 34-54i244Pj.

Yoneyuki Sugita, Japan's Shifting Status in the World and the Development of Japan's Health Insurance Systems (Springer, February 2019) 247P.

Yoneyuki Sugita, Chapter 4 gChinafs Food Safety Problems and Establishment of Dual Economy: A Case of Vegetables,h in Victor Teo & SungWon Yoon eds., Illicit Industries and Chinafs Shadow Economy (Routledge, November 2018), pp. 65-77.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gThe US Pivot to the Asia-Pacific Region and Japanfs Responses,h in Gauri Khandekar and Bart Gaens, eds., Japanfs Search for Strategic Security Partnerships (Routledge, December 2017)

Yoneyuki Sugita, Chapter 2 gThe significance of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Issues for Japanfs security policies,h in Victor Teo & Haruko Satoh eds., Japanfs Island Troubles with China and Korea:
@Prospects and Challenges for Resolution (Routledge,  October 2018), pp. 13-40.i157Pj

Yoneyuki Sugita, Chapter 3 gThe US Pivot to the Asia-Pacific Region and Japanfs Responses,h in Gauri Khandekar and Bart Gaens, eds., Japanfs Search for Strategic Security Partnerships (Routledge, 2 January 2018), 47-74

Yoneyuki Sugita, Chapter 6 gThe US Pivot to Asia and Japanfs Development Cooperation Charter,h in André Asplund and Marie Soderberg eds., Japanese Development Cooperation: The Making of an Aid Architecture Pivoting to Asia (Routledge, January 2017), 90-103.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gThe 1922 Japanese Health Insurance Law: Toward a Corporatist Framework,h in Yoneyuki Sugita ed., Social Commentary on State and Society in Modern Japan (Springer, August 2016), 49-65.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gU.S.-Japan Relations in transition: from Cold War to post –Cold War,h in Yoneyuki Sugita ed., Toward a More Amicable Asia-Pacific Region: Japanfs Roles (Lanham, MD: University Publication of America, December 2015), 5-26. 

Yoneyuki Sugita, gThe Symbiotic Relationship between Japanfs Status in the World and Changes in the Nature of Medical Insurance from the 1920s to the Early 1940s,h in Yoneyuki Sugita ed., Japan Viewed from Interdisciplinary Perspectives: History and Prospects (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, October 2015), 21-39.

Mayako Shimamoto, Koji Ito, and Yoneyuki Sugita, Historical Dictionary of Japanese Foreign Policy (Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, July 2015).

Yoneyuki Sugita, "U.S. Strategic Preference for Securing Military Bases and Impact of Japanese Financial Community on Constrained Rearmament in Japan, 1945-1954,"
@ in Peter N. Stearns ed., Demilitarization in the Contemporary World (Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, November 2013), 89-110.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gAsian Nexuses: U.S. Relations with China and Japan in the Wake of the 9/.11 Terrorist Attacks,h in Caroline Rose and Victor Teo, eds., The United States between China and Japan (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, January 2013), 271-95.

John Van Sant, Peter Mauch, and Yoneyuki Sugita, The A to Z of United States-Japan Relations (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, March 2010), 350p.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gTelemedicine: An Important Component in Arizona's Economic and Social Development,h in Susanna Delfino and Michele Gillespie eds., Technology, Innovation, and Southern Industrialization From the Antebellum Era to the Computer Age (Columbia:University of Missouri Press, June 2008), 181-201.

John Van Sant, Peter Mauch, and Yoneyuki Sugita, Historical Dictionary of United States-Japan Relations (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2007) 299p.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gUniversal Health Insurance: the Unfinished Reform of Japanfs Healthcare System,h Mark E. Caprio and Yoneyuki Sugita eds., Democracy in Occupied Japan: The U.S. Occupation and Japanese Politics and Society (Routledge, February 2007), 147-77.

Yoneyuki Sugita, "Finding A gComfort Zoneh: Media Marketing of 9/11 in Japan," in Dana Heller ed., The Selling of 9/11 : How a National Tragedy Became a Commodity (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, September 2005), 97-118.

 Yoneyuki  Sugita, "Lansing, Robert" Vol. 2, p. 671, and gWilson, Thomas Woodrow (1856-1924),h Vol. 4, pp. 1263-65 in Spencer Tucker ed., The Encyclopedia of World War I : A Political, Social, and Military History (ABC-CLIO, 2005).

Yoneyuki Sugita, Pitfall or Panacea: The Irony of US Power in Occupied Japan 1945-1952 (New York: Routledge, October 2003)222p, 2nd  versioniSeptember 2004j

Yoneyuki Sugita, Chapter 1hThe Rise of an American Principle in China: A Reinterpretation of the First Open Door Notes,h In Richard Jensen, Jon Davidann, and Yoneyuki Sugita eds., Trans-Pacific Relations: America, Europe, and Asia in the Twentieth Century  (New York: Praeger, January 2003), 3-20.

Yoneyuki Sugita, "Japan-United States Relations" Vol. 3, pp. 253-58 and "Open Door Policy" Vol. 4, pp. 386-87, David Levinson ed., Encyclopedia of Modern Asia (Scribners, 2002)
Yoneyuki Sugita, "Japanese Air Force History Program" and "Japanese Military History Program," in Stanley Sandler ed. World War II in the Pacific_ (Garland, November, 2000), 229-32.

Yoneyuki Sugita and Marie Thorsten, "Managing Power among the Vanquished: The Question of Cultural Values in Postwar Japan," in S. K. Chakraborty and Pradip Bhattacharya eds., Leadership and Power: Ethical Explorations  (New Delhi, Oxford University Press, November 2001) 76-89.

Yoneyuki Sugita and Marie Thorsten, Beyone the Line: Joseph Dodge and the Geometry of Power in US-Japan Relations, 1949-1952  (Okayama: University Education Press, 1999), 108p.


Yoneyuki Sugita, "The Limits of American Hegemony in Occupied Japan --Japan-United States Relations During the Occupation, 1945-1952—g (Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, May, 1999), 388p.
Yoneyuki Sugita, "Japan," pp. 245-46, Stanley I. Kutler ed., Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1996).

Academic Articles in English
Yoneyuki Sugita, "A Paradox: the Red Purge Has Made Japan a Law-Abiding Nation," East Asia (2021) 38: 353-71. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12140-021-09365-y (https://rdcu.be/cksyW)

Yoneyuki Sugita, gThe Yoshida Doctrine as a Myth,h The Japanese Journal of American Studies, Vol. 27 (June 2016), 123-43.

(Review Article) Yoneyuki Sugita, gUnexplored Aspects of U.S.-East Asian Relations in the 1940s and 1950,h H-Diplo Article Reviews, No. 603, 28 March 2016, URL: http://tiny.cc/AR603

(Review Article) Masami Kimura. gAmerican Asia Experts, Liberal Internationalism, and the Occupation of Japan: Transcending Cold War Politics and Historiography.h Journal of American-East Asian Relations 21:3 (2014). H-Diplo, H-Diplo Article Reviews, No. 582, 15 January 2016

URL: http://tiny.cc/AR582  Review by Yoneyuki Sugita, Osaka University

Yoneyuki Sugita, "'Fairness' and Japanese Government Subsidies for Sickness Insurances," Japan Studies Review Vol. XIX (2015), 85-113.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gThe Beveridge Report and Japan,h Social Work in Public Health 29:2 (January 2014), 148-61.

Yoneyuki Sugita, "Japan's epoch-making health-insurance reforms, 1937–1945," Japan Forum, Vol. 25, Issue 1 (2013) 112-33.
DOI:10.1080/09555803.2012.741141 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09555803.2012.741141

Yoneyuki Sugita, gThe 1922 Japanese Health Insurance Law: Toward a Corporatist Framework,h Harvard Asia Quarterly Vol. XIV, No. 4 (2012), 36-43.

Book Review, KOJUN FURUKAWA. Social Welfare in Japan: Principles and Applications. 
Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press, 2008. 429 pp. A$109.95, hardcover. Asian Studies Review, 34: 4 (December 2010), 542-43.

(Proceedings of the NASSS 2010) gCreative Oblivion: Is a eMemory of Our Pastf Really Important?h Nanzan Review of American Studies Vol. XXXII (2010), 105-06

"Japanese Health Insurance Systems During the Allied Occupation from an International Affairs Perspective," Olavi K. Fält and Juha Saunavaara (eds.), Nation-Building, National Identity and the Wider World: Japan and Finland in Transition, 1945 – 1990. (Rovaniemi: Pohjois-Suomen Historiallinen Yhdistys, 2010), 29-42. ISBN 978-952-9888-41-2 (Hard)

gAn Active Japanese Foreign Policy Impeded by a Frustrated Public in the Post-Cold War Era,h International Journal of Korean Unification Studies Vol. 14, No. 2 (2005), 171-94.

Book Review: John Ikenberry and Michael Mastanduno International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific (Columbia University Press, 2003), International Relations of the Asia-Pacific Vol. 5 No. 1 (2005), 110-12.  

Yoneyuki Sugita, gA Never-Ending Story: Inflating the Threat from North Korea,h The Journal of Pacific Asia Vol. 11 (2004), 55-77.  

Book Review: Amerika "Chinichiha" no Kigen (Origins of a "pro-Japanese group" in the United States). By Satoshi Shiozaki. (Tokyo: Heibonsha, 2001). 262 pp. \2,500, ISBN 4-582-84211-9.v Journal of American History; Sep 2004, Vol. 91 Issue 2, 643.

gEnigma of U.S.-Japan Relations in the 1950s,h Reviews in American History Vol. 30 Number 3 (September 2002), 477-485. 
gIs the eCyberspace Revolutionf Really a Revolution? A Case Study: Healthcare and Modern Scientific Thought,h The Japanese Journal of American Studies No. 13 (2002), 107-29.

Marie Thorsten and Yoneyuki Sugita, "Joseph Dodge and the Geometry of Power in US-Japan Relations," JAPANESE STUDIES Volume 19 Number 3 December 1999, 297-314.

"America's Road to Its Asian Dilemma" _Reviews in American History_ Volume 25 Number 2 (June 1997), 326-31.
Book Review: Xiaoyuan LIU. _A Partnership for Disorder: China, The United States, and Their Policies for the Postwar Disposition of the Japanese Empire, 1941-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1996.  China Information  Vol. XI, No. 4 (Spring 1997), 174-75.  


Yoneyuki Sugita, "American Path to Asian Quagmire: Security, Regionalism, and Cold War Mentality," Research Institute of Peace and Security, The Fellowship Program Final Report (August, 1996) 69p.  

Yoneyuki Sugita, "The International Military Tribunal of the Far East and Emperor Hirohito-- Justice Undone --," Eibei Kenkyu [Journal of Anglo-American Studies] Vol. 21 (March, 1996), 87-106.   

Yoneyuki Sugita, "U.S. Commercial Strategy: Theory and History," The English Department of Osaka University of Foreign Studies ed. A Comprehensive Study of the English-Speaking World (Osaka: Osaka University of Foreign Studies, 1993), 53-62.  

Journalistic Articles in English

Yoneyuki Sugita, gYoshida Doctrine is a mythh Japantoday.com 29 April 2014.

Yoneyuki Sugita,
gUniversity students in Osaka embark on unique publishing projecth Japantoday.com  04 February 2014.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gWhat Japanese universities can learn from University of Kentuckyh Japantoday.com 25 March 2013.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gJapanese universities in crisis – what they can learn from Europeh Japantoday.com 16 November 2012.

Yoneyuki Sugita, h From military alliance to total alliance,h Japantoday.com  12 February 2009

Yoneyuki Sugita, gGyoza and family values,h Japantoday.com 13 February 2008

Yoneyuki Sugita, gTwo gung-ho career women connect business with academia at Osaka University,h Japantoday.com 4 February 2008

Yoneyuki Sugita, gJapan a parasite country of U.S.,h Japantoday.com 6 July 2007

Yoneyuki Sugita, Norimitsu Onishi, "Japan Rightists Fan Fury Over North Korea Abductions,"  New York Times  (December 17, 2006)@(interviewed)

Yoneyuki Sugita, gWounded Despot,h Metropolis Vol. 596 (26 August 2005).  

 Yoneyuki Sugita, gNeed for a division of labor,h Japantoday.com 6 April 2005

Yoneyuki Sugita, gGo our own way,h Metropolis #553, 29 October 2004.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gContaining self-righteous U.S. behavior,h Japantoday.com 25 October 2004

Yoneyuki Sugita, gHistorical lessons from Asian Cup,h Japantoday.com 9 August 2004

Yoneyuki Sugita, gTwo trends clearer after election,h Japantoday.com 13 July 2004

Yoneyuki Sugita, gAid must foster self-responsibility,h Japantoday.com 14 June 2004

Yoneyuki Sugita, gSoga shows meaning of family values,h Japantoday.com  25 May 2004

Yoneyuki Sugita, "The patron-client relationship," Japantoday.com 29 December 2003

Yoneyuki Sugita, "Japanese media and 9-11aftermath," Japantoday.com  23 October 2003


Yoneyuki Sugita, "A More Independent Japan," Japan@Inc. (September 2003).

Yoneyuki Sugita, gThe State of the Union: A View from Japan,h In The National Interest Vol. 2, Issue (5 February 2003).

Yoneyuki Sugita, hU.S. like an unleashed wild tiger,h Japantoday.com 29 October 2002

Yoneyuki Sugita, hJapan-N Korea summit not good for U.S.h Japantoday.com 19 September 2002

Yoneyuki Sugita, hMisguided English education initiativeh Japantoday.com 31 August 2002

Yoneyuki Sugita, h Stop extortion by private universitiesh Japantoday.com 29 July 2002

Yoneyuki Sugita, hLess social security, more self-relianceh Japantoday.com 7 June 2002

Yoneyuki Sugita, hJapan must stand firm against asylum seekersh Japantoday.com 20 May 2002

Yoneyuki Sugita, hfTora! Tora! Tora!f and Sept 11h Japantoday.com 29 March 2002

Yoneyuki Sugita, hThrowing money at Afghanistan not wiseh Japantoday.com 23 January 2002

Yoneyuki Sugita, hWhat to do about imperial succession law?hJapantoday.com 3 December 2001

Yoneyuki Sugita, hU.S. reaction predictable but wrongh Japantoday.com 22 October 2001

Yoneyuki Sugita, hKoizumi's real test comes after electionsh Online Asia Times 10 July 2001

Yoneyuki Sugita, h Japan still too slow on Internet usageh Japantoday.com 23 May 2001

Yoneyuki Sugita, h Japan's academics slow to get onlineh Japantoday.com 7 May 2001

Yoneyuki Sugita, gOil can grease the wheels of Asian cooperationh Online Asia Times 21 April 2001

Yoneyuki Sugita, h Don't blindly trust doctorsh Japantoday.com 11 April 2001

Yoneyuki Sugita, hTangled political web ensnares Japan's economyh Online Asia Times 6 April 2001

Yoneyuki Sugita, h Ehime Maru Incident and Japan-United States Relations,h -NET FEATURE
PUBLICATION Published by H-US-Japan@h-net.msu.edu  (March, 2001)  

Yoneyuki Sugita, gRIGHT OBJECTIVE, WRONG STRATEGY: GOVERNOR OHTA AND JAPAN SUMO Association H-NET FEATURE PUBLICATION (Commentary Project) Published by  H-US-Japan@h-net.msu.edu  (March, 2001)
Yoneyuki Sugita, gJapan's sleeping giant awakesh Online Asia Times 16 March 2001

Yoneyuki Sugita,
gJapan at Davos Meeting,h Japantoday.com 9 February 2001

Yoneyuki Sugita, gJapanfs Future Energy Policy,h Japantoday.com January 2001

Yoneyuki Sugita, gBeating the Welfare Habith, Japantoday.com 6 December 2000

Yoneyuki Sugita, gReconsidering Official Development Assistanceh Japantoday.com, 20 November 2000

Yoneyuki Sugita, gLessons from Fujimurah Japantoday.com, 10 November 2000

Yoneyuki Sugita, gYoshida Doctrine Forever: Japanfs Consistent Postwar Security Policies and Silent Rearmament,h Academic Symposium 70th Anniversary of the San Francisco Treaty and the Retreat of SCAP From Japan, 6 March 2022 Israeli Association for Japanese Studies (Web)  https://wwww.japan-studies.org/conferences/70th-anniversary-of-the-san-francisco-treaty-and-the-retreat-of-scap-from-japan/

Yoneyuki Sugita, gThe Yoshida Doctrine and Silent Rearmament,h Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies,  9 October 2021 (Zoom) 

Yoneyuki Sugita, g
An Interpretation of the Yoshida Doctrine,h The San Francisco Treaty at 70: Prospects and Challenges Workshop, 30 May 2021 (Zoom) 

Yoneyuki Sugita, gThe Japan Paradox: Artificial Intelligence in Japan,h Asia-Pacific Studies Meeting, Osaka University, 9 June 2019

Yoneyuki Sugita, "US pivot to Asia and Japanfs Development Cooperation Charter," European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS) & GRIPS Development Forum Joint Seminar -Can Japanese Development Cooperation Tell us Something about Regional and Global Change?- National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, 16 March 2017.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gThree-Way Struggle for Initiative in the Korean Peninsula,h Non-American Directions in Japanfs Security, Osaka University International Symposium, 16 January 2017, Osaka University.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gSignificance of the Senkaku Issues for Japanfs Security Policies,h Featured Panel, The Asia-Pacific Conference on Security and International Relations (APSEC) 2016, 8 December 2016, Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gSignificance of the Senkaku Issues for Japanfs Security Policies,h Workshop on Japanfs Territorial Disputes, 28 June 2016, Osaka University, Osaka Japan.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gU.S.-Japan Alliance Management and the Second North Korea Nuclear Crisis,h Osaka University International Workshop: Non-American Directions in Japanfs Security, 19-20 February 2016, Osaka University, Osaka Japan.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gUS Pivot to Asia and Japanfs Development Cooperation Charter,h Development Cooperation in a Post-MDG Era Can Japan Effectively Continue to Contribute Towards Global Development?, 1-2 November  2015, Osaka University, Osaka Japan.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gPresident Obamafs Pivot to Asia-Pacific and Japanfs Hedging Policiesh9th Annual Congress of Asian Political and International Studies Association, 11-12 September 2015, Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gOrigin of Yoshida Doctrine: Role of the United States,h The 9th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), 5-9 July 2015, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia

Yoneyuki Sugita, gUS-Japan Security Relations between 1945 and the 1990s,h Osaka University International Symposium, gLegacies of World War II Part 5h Osaka University, Osaka Japan  19 – 21 March 2015.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gStruggle for Agenda Setting: U.S.-Japan Alliance Management and the Second North Korea Nuclear Crisis,h Osaka University International Symposium, gLegacies of World War II Part 4h Osaka University, Osaka Japan  13 – 14 February 2015.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gMeaning of the Demise of the Cold War on U.S.-Japan Relations,h Osaka University International Symposium, gLegacies of World War II Part 3h Osaka University, Osaka Japan  9 – 10 January 2015.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gRe-interpretation of the Yoshida Doctrine,h Osaka University International Symposium, gLegacies of World War II Part 2h Osaka University, Osaka Japan  19 – 21 December 2014.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gHas Japan Changed? US-Japan Security Relations after World War II,h Osaka University International Symposium, gLegacies of World War II Part 1h Osaka University, Osaka Japan  30 October – 1 November 2014.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gStruggle for Agenda Setting: U.S.-Japan Alliance Management over North Korea, 2001-2003,h Osaka University International Symposium, gDynamics of Asia-Pacific Region – Interdisciplinary Perspectives: History and Prospecth Osaka University, Osaka Japan 24-26 July 2014.

Yoneyuki Sugita, g9.11 and Japanfs Consistent Security Policies,h Asian Studies Program, School of International and Public Affairs, Florida International University, 27 March 2014.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gJapanfs Epoch-Making Sickness Insurance Reforms, 1937-1945,h Osaka University International Symposium, gInterdisciplinary Perspectives for Asia-Pacific Region: History and Prospecth Osaka University, Osaka Japan 14-16 February 2014.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gShould Japan Revise Article Nine?h 20th Annual Japan Studies Association Conference, 2-4 January 2014, Tokai International College, Honolulu, Hawaifi

(Keynote Speech) Yoneyuki Sugita, "Rise of Hybrid Norms in East Asia – Japanfs Security Policy in the 1950s," Asia - from a Norm-Taker to a Norm-Maker?  Symposium, the University of Turku, Finland, 15 August 2013

Yoneyuki Sugita,  gHas Japan Become a eNormalf Country? : US-Japan Security Relations in the Wake of 9.11h SIED Spring Symposium 2013 "America in Global Asia"
@Sophia University, Tokyo, 9 March 2013.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gUS-Japan Relations in the wake of 9.11h 31 January 2013, History Department, University of Kentucky.

Commentator: Yoneyuki Sugita, gA Realist Perspective on the Implications of Identity for US Policy toward Rising Powersh by Charles Glaser
iDirector of the Elliott School's Institute for Security and Conflict Studies at George Washington Universityj Joint Conference , 12 January 2013 at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

Yoneyuki Sugita, gFormation Process of Japan's Restrained Rearmament Norm\Competition between Japan's Restrained Rearmament and U.S. Regional Strategy in East Asia
|,h 26-28 September 2012, Swedish Political Science Association's (SWEPSA) annual conference in Växjö, Sweden.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gJapanfs Security Policy after 9/11: Still an Anomaly or Gradually Normalizing?h The 35th Stockholm Seminar on Japan 25 September 2012, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, Sweden.

Yoneyuki Sugita,"U.S. Policies toward East Asia in the Wake of the 9.11 Terrorist Attacks," 21 September 2012, Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies in Lund University, Sweden.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gU.S. Relations with Japan and China in the Wake of the 9.11 Terrorist Attacks,h 11 September 2012, University of Western Sydney, Australia.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gIs Japan an Anomaly? Japan's Consistent Security Policies in the Postwar Era,h Workshop on East Asia: Politics, Economy and Society, the University of Chicago, U.S.A. 3 April 2012.

Yoneyuki Sugita, gReinterpretation of the Significance of Japanese Health Insurance programs from 1922 to 1950,hColumbia University, U.S.A., 29 March 2012.

(Keynote Speech ) Yoneyuki Sugita, gIs Japan an Anomaly? Japan's Consistent Security Policies in the Postwar Era,h Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society (NAJS) 2012 Conference, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 22 March 2012.

Yoneyuki Sugita, "Asian Nexuses: U.S. Relations with China and Japan in the Wake of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks," Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Heidelberg Germany. 10 January 2012

Yoneyuki Sugita, gReinterpretation of the Significance of Japanese Health Insurance Programs from 1922 to 1950,h Asia and Europe in a Global Context, Transcultural Asian History, Universitat Heidelberg, 13 December 2011, Karl Jaspers Centre, Heidelberg.

Yoneyuki Sugita, "U.S. Military Commitment to Japan and Origins of Japanfs Constrained Rearmament: Significance of the Dodge Line"
@International Symposium on the Association for the Study of Political Society (ASPOS)@Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, 19 September, 2011

Chair  Yoneyuki Sugita, gToward a Common Memory of Our Past,h Nagoya American Studies Summer Seminars 2010, Nanzan University (25 July 2010).

Yoneyuki Sugita,
"The Japanese Healthcare System in Early Post-World War II Era from International Relations Perspectives," Japan and Finland in Transition, 1945–1990 Multidisciplinary conference at the University of Oulu, August 27 & 28, 2009

 Yoneyuki Sugita,  gAsian Nexuses: US Relations with Japan and the Korean Peninsula after the 9.11 Terrorist Attacks,h Workshop: The Japanese–South Korean Relationship, August 21-22, 2009, Stockholm, Sweden

The Asian Association for World Historians, Session 3, gModernities and Modernism in Asia: Japan's Casesh Organizer and presenter, Yoneyuki Sugita, "State Subsidy or Individual Responsibility: False Perceptions of Social Insurance Generated by the Recommendation for a Social Security System of 1950" (29-31 May 2009, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center)
Sino-Japanese Relations Research Symposium 2009: The US between China and Japan, Yoneyuki Sugita, "Asian Nexuses: U.S. Relations with China and Japan in the wake of the 9.11 Terrorist Attacks," (read by Professor Victor Teo) (24-25 May 2009, Department of Japanese Studies, School of Modern Language and Cultures, Faculty of Arts, The University of Hong Kong)

 Yoneyuki Sugita,  "Information Technology and Modern Scientific Thought in American Healthcare" Workshop A "Technology and Society" The Japanese Association for American Studies the 36th annual meeting, 2 June 2002 (Meiji University)

Yoneyuki Sugita,
hThe Limits of American Hegemony in Occupied Japan, 1945-1952,h Humanities Lecture Series, Institute of Humanities, Old Dominion University, 4 April 2002.

Yoneyuki Sugita,
hIs the eCyberspace Revolutionf Really a Revolution?  A Case Study in Healthcare and Modern Scientific Thought,h Virginia Humanities Conference, 6 April 2002

Yoneyuki Sugita,
hTora! Tora! Tora!,h Old Dominion University Film Festival, 8 April 2002

Yoneyuki Sugita,
hImpact of Postwar Japan-U.S. Alliance on Japanese Healthcare System,h International Convention of Asia Scholars, Berlin, 10 August 2001

Yoneyuki Sugita,
hThe Japanese Healthcare System in Early Post-World War II Era: Continuity and Discontinuity,h 4th Conference of the Asia Pacific Sociological Association, 14-16 September 2000, Kwansai Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan

Yoneyuki Sugita,
hImpacts of China and Japan on International Affairs in the Asia-Pacific Region from the Late 19th Century to the Early 1950s,h Workshop: Sino-Japanese Relations: Beyond Bilateral Statist Approaches, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, 4-5 September 2000, Organized by the University of Warwick and Royal Institute of International Affairs

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"The First Step Toward U.S. Hegemony in the Asia/Pacific Region" (read by someone else) History Conference: Trans-Pacific Modernity: An American Asia in the Pacific Century, January 14-15, 2000, Sponsored by Hawaii Pacific University.
Comment: by Dr. John Fleckles, Vice President and Academic Dean and Associate Professor of History, Hawaii Pacific University

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"Impact of US Occupation on Japanese Healthcare System," American Historical Association Pacific Coast Branch 92nd Annual Meeting, Maui, Hawaii, 8 August 1999.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"Child Labor Reformers and the Role of the President in Social Reform: A Comment," Kyoto American Studies Summer Seminar 4th Annual Meeting, Ritsumeikan U., 31 July 1999.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"The Limits of American Hegemony: Japan-US relations, 1945-1952," JAPANESE ASSOCIATION OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ANNUAL CONFERENCE 1999, Kisarazu-city, Chiba, 14-16 May 1999.

Chair and presenter. Yoneyuki Sugita,  " The Dulles-Yoshida Negotiations and U.S. Ambivalence with Japan," British Association for American Studies Conference 26-29 March 1999, Andrew Hook Centre for American Studies University of Glasgow.

With Richard Jensen,  Yoneyuki Sugita,  "Instant Global Communication: Internet Opportunities for Teachers and Researchers," Association of Management and Communications, Waseda U., Tokyo, Japan, 14 June 1997.

With Richard Jensen.  Yoneyuki Sugita,  "Internet, H-NET, and American Stuides," Japanese Association of American Studies 31st Annual Meeting, Aichi Kyoiku U., 7 June 1997.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"US Occupation Policies of Japan: A Reappraisal," The Sixth Annual Seminar of the Association of Russian and American Historians, St. Petersburg University, Russia, June 1997.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"Internationalization of Japanese Scholarship: Current Conditions and Its Future," American Historical Association Annual Meeting, New York, U.S.A.,2-5 January 1997.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"The Dodge Line, Cold War Mentality, and Hegemony," ISA-JAIR Joint Convention, Makuhari, Japan, 20-22 September 1996.

Discussant on "Social/Cultural Changes and Foreign Relations," International Conference: Cultural Factors in U.S.-East Asian Relations, Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 29-31 July 1996.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"Transfer of Policy Initiative and Its Implications: U.S. Occupation Policies Towards Japan, 1946-1948," Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations 1996 Annual Meeting, University of Colorado at Boulder, 21-24 June 1996.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"Still the Century of Balance of Power? Asia-Pacific Security in the Post-ColdWar Era," United States Military Academy, 11 April 1996.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"Asia-Pacific Security during the Post-Cold War: Rethinking the Global Order," Fernand Braudel Center of Binghamton University, 9 April 1996.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"East Asian Security in the Post-Cold War Era," Department of Sociology of Binghamton University, 8 April 1996.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"Japan and East Asia after the Cold War," Asian Studies Forum of University of California-Berkeley, 5 April 1996.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"Post-Cold War US-Japan Security Relations in the Asia-Pacific," Asia Foundation, 5 April 1996.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"Japan and Post-Cold War Security," Asia-Pacific Research Center of Stanford University, 4 April 1996.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"Democratic Capitalism: US Early Occupation Policies toward Japan," Cold War Forum of University of California-Santa Barbara, 3 April 1996.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"Post-Cold War Security Issues as They Impact US-Japan Relations, the World Economy, and Hegemonic Stability," RAND, 2 April 1996.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"Japan-US Security Alliance in the Post-Cold War: A Critique on the Nye-Johnson-Mochizuki-Hosokawa Debate," Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation of University of California-San Diego, 1 April 1996.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"Democratic Capitalism: US Early Occupation Policies toward Japan," East Asian History Forum of the Ohio State University, 27 March 1996.

Yoneyuki Sugita, 
"Still the Century of Balance of Power?: Asia-Pacific Security in the Post-Cold War Era," Mershon Center of the Ohio State University, 27 March 1996.

* 1 April 2018 through 31 March 2025 International Joint Research Promotion Program (Type B)  gImpacts of Medical Insurance on Medical Treatment (Focusing on Oncology Treatment): Comparative Study between Japan and Indiah (500,000 yen in 2018 and up to 500,000 yen per year until March 2025).
*1 April 2017 through 31 March 2024 International Joint Research Promotion Program (Type B)  gPeace and Stability in the Asia-Pacific Region: Toward a Comprehensive Approachh (500,000 yen in 2017 and up to 500,000 yen per year until March 2024).
*1 February 2017 National Banks Academic Research Promotion Fund (600,000 yen)
*11 October 2016 READYFOR Contract Research Fund (876,814 yen)
*31 August 2016 Osaka University International Symposium Fellowship (798,000 yen)
*20 July 2016 Graduate School of Language and Culture Special Research Exchange Fellowship (500,000 yen)
*9 February 2016 Osaka University Projects for Promoting International Joint Research, Short-term Personnel Fellowship (5,922,000 yen)
*20 August 2015 Osaka University International Symposium Fellowship (1,497,000 yen)
*20 August 2015 Osaka University International Joint Meeting Fellowship (1,500,000 yen)
*3 August 2015 Osaka University Projects for Promoting International Joint Research, Short-term Personnel Fellowship (2,432,786 yen)
*16 July 2015 Graduate School of Language and Culture Special Research Exchange Fellowship (472,000 yen)
*14 July 2015 Osaka University Presidentfs Award: Social/International Contribution Section
*20 February 2015 Osaka University Projects for Promoting International Joint Research, Short-term Personnel Fellowship (2,343,737 yen)
*December 2014 University Education Press endowment (1,160,000 yen)
*2014: Scientific Research, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (principal investigator) (till 2016)(3,120,000 yen)
*2014: Osaka University President Leadership Grant (545,000 yen)
*2014: Research University Promotion Grant II (934,800 yen)
*2014: Graduate School of Language and Culture Special Research Grant (498,000 yen)
*Jul. 2014: Osaka University President Award (Research Section)
*Apr. 2014-March 2017: International Joint Research Promotion Program gPeace and Stability in the Asia-Pacific Region: Multi-layered Analysis toward Formation of International Code of Conduct and Normh (8,460,000 yen in 2014;  7,460,000 yen in 2015, not specified in 2016).
*2014: Research University Promotion Grant I (1,100,000 yen)
*March 2014: Research University Promotion Grant for Sending Scholars Abroad (To Florida International University, 709,800 yen)
*Feb. 2014: U. of Texas-Austin Workshop gDevouring Japanh Travel Grant (absent due to influenza)
*Feb. 2014: U.S. Department of State Federal Assistance Award (2/2014-8/31/2014) ($17,500)
*January 2014 University Education Press endowment (844,000 yen)
*2013: Research University Promotion Grant (2,524,000 yen)
*2013: Graduate School of Language and Culture Special Research Grant (500,000 yen)
*Aug. 2013: University of Turku (Finland) Travel Grant
*January 2013 University Education Press endowment (1,340,000 yen)
*Sep. 2012: U.S. Department of State Federal Assistance Award (9/1/2012-12/1/2013) ($9,660)
*Nov. 2011: U.S. Department of State Federal Assistance Award (11/25/2011-12/1/2012) ($13,000)
*November 2011 University Education Press endowment
*2011: Scientific Research (C), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (principal investigator) (till 2013)
*2010: Scientific Research (A), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (collaborative member) (till 2012)
*2010: Showa Hokoukai Academic Fellowship (500,000 yen)
*Aug. 2009: Travel Grant from European Institute of Japanese Studies (for Workshop: The Japanese-South Korean Relationship)
*Jul. 2008: Translation Grant from the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, College of Arts and Letters, U. of Notre Dame
*2008: Scientific Research (B), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (collaborative member) (till 2012)
*Mar. 2002 Old Dominion University Visiting Researcherfs Fellowship
*Mar.  2002 Member of Educational Fact Finding Mission to Australian universities funded by Osaka U. of Foreign Studies
*Aug. 2001 Japanese Ministry of Education Int'l Conference Travel Grant
*Apr.  2001 The Flinders University Visiting Researcherfs Fellowship
*Sep.  2000 The University of Warwick and the Royal Institute of International Affairs Workshop Fellowship
*Feb.  2000 Center for Multicultural Information & Assistance Lecture Grant
*Aug. 1999 Osaka U. of Foreign Studies, Foreign Conference Travel Grant
*July 1999 Kyoto American Study Summer Seminar Grant
*Mar. 1999 Osaka U. of Foreign Studies, Foreign Conference Travel Grant
*July 1998 Japan-Philippines Study Forum Lecture Grant
*June 1997 Waseda U. Institute of Industry & Management Lecture Grant
*June 1997 Austin Peay State U. International Exchange Grant
*Jan. 1997 Japanese Ministry of Education Int'l Conference Travel Grant
*July 1996 Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences International Conference Travel Grant
*July 1996 Osaka U. of Foreign Studies, Foreign Conference Travel Grant
*June 1996 Japan Asso. of Int'l Relations Foreign Conference Travel Grant
*June 1996 H-NET Editor's Travel Grant
*Apr. 1996 US Military Academy Seminar Travel Grant
*Mar. 1996 Research Institute for Peace & Security Research Travel Grant
*Jan. 1996 H-NET Outstanding Planning Award (for H-Japan and H-USA)  
*Jan. 1996 H-NET Editor's Travel Grant
*Mar. 1995 Special Foreign Research Travel Grant, History Department, U. of Wisconsin-Madison
*July 1994 Special Domestic Research Travel Grant, History Department, U. of Wisconsin-Madison
*1994-1996 Research Fellow at Research Institute for Peace and Security
*July 1993 Domestic Research Travel Grant, Fulbright Program
*June 1993 Professional Enhancement Grant, Fulbright Program
*Mar. 1993 Domestic Research Travel Grant, Fulbright Program
*Dec. 1992 Domestic Research Travel Grant, Fulbright Program
*1991-1993 Graduate Student Scholarship, Fulbright Program
*1991-1993 Graduate School Non-Resident Scholarship, U. of Wisconsin-Madison
*Dec. 1989 Short-term Domestic Fellowship, American Studies Foundation, Japan.  

2001-Online Asia Times commentator
2000—Japantoday.com commentator (-present)
2000--Rosetta Stone, Special Internet Correspondent
1998-- Co-founder and co-editor of H-US-Japan (-present)
1998 Chair of the Internet Section, the Japan Association of American Studies
1997-- Editorial Board Member of H-Diplo (-present)
1996-98 Co-founder and co-editor of H-Japan
1996-97 Cyber Brain for "Modern Times", Nikkei Business Newspaper
1996-- Co-founder and co-editor of H-USA
1991-- Member of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations
1989-- Member of Kansai Association of American History
1988-- Member of Japanese Association of American Studies
1988-- Member of the Association of American History
1987-- Member of Japanese Association of International Relations

University Administration
Director, International Joint Research Promotion Program (Type B) gImpacts of Medical Insurance on Medical Treatment (Focusing on Oncology Treatment): Comparative Study between Japan and Indiah 2018- 2025
Director, International Joint Research Promotion Program (Type B) gPeace and Stability in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Comprehensive Approachh 2017- 2024
Head, English Section, Graduate School of Language and Culture, April 2017 - present
Head, Department of English, School of Foreign Studies, Osaka University, April 2015-March 2017
Director, International Joint Research Promotion Program gPeace and Stability in the Asia-Pacific Region,h 2014-present
Chairman, Osaka University Entrance Exam System Sub-committee, 2014-present
Vice Chairman, Osaka University Entrance Exam Committee, 2014-2016
Chairman, Osaka University, Entrance Exam Committee, School of Foreign Studies, April 2014-March 2015
Vice Chairman, International Exchange Committee, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka U., May 2011 – March 2013
Vice Chairman, Industry-Academic  Collaborative Committee, School of Foreign Studies, Osaka U., October 2007 – March 2009.
Chairman, English Department, Osaka University of Foreign Studies, 2001-2002
Coordinator of accepting Foreign Scholars (Osaka U. of Foreign Studies) 2001-2004
Coordinator of Endowment Courses (Osaka U. of Foreign Studies and Osaka U.) 2005-2009
Vice Chairman, Committee of Academic-Industrial Cooperation, School of Foreign Studies, Osaka U., 2007-2009
Supervisor, Osaka University Short-term Field Trip Abroad Program, 2008

Academic Society Management

Board Member, Association for the Study of Political Society, 2012-present
International Advisory Board member of Faravid (the yearbook of the Historical Association of Northern Finland), June 2011 - present
Board Member, The Japanese Association for American Studies, 2010 – 2011.
Council Member, The Japanese Association for American Studies, 2008 – 2009.
H-Diplo  Advisory Board Member (1997-Present)
H-Asia    Advisory Board Member (1996-present)
H-USA  Advisory Board Member (1996-present)
H-Japan Advisory Board Member (1996-present)
H-Japan Co-founder (1996) and Editor (1996-1998)
H-USA  Founder (1996) and Editor (1996-2000)
H-US-Japan Founder (1996) and Editor (1996-present)
Director, The Internet Committee of the Japanese Association for American Studies  (1998-1999)
Councilor, The Japanese Association for American Studies, 2008-2009
Program Committee Member, the 44th Annual Conference for the Japanese Association for American Studies, 2009
Director, the 44th Annual Conference for the Japanese Association for American Studies, 2009